Seringkali kita bertanya, ketika sudah memegang pena dan berhadapan dengan lembaran kertas atau kalau jaman sekarang adalah ketika berhadapan dengan layar computer, untuk kemudian mulai menggoreskan pena atau menekan keyboard dan menulis apa yang kita kehendaki, apa yang ingin kita tuliskan, seolah banyak yang ingin dikeluarkan namun sedikit bahkan seringkali tidak ada yang dapat dituliskan. Bahkan pada saat saya menulis artikel ini pun merupakan salah satu proses perkenalan jari-jari saya dengan tuts-tuts yang ada pada keyboard laptop tercinta ini, laptop ini bahkan mempunyai nama yang seolah menantang saya untuk mulai berpikir
dan mengolah rasa agar menghasilkan sesuatu dari buah pikiran ini, ia seolah berkata..namaku “Thinkpad™” so use me to think….not to play game or only to watch movies. Dan tantangan dari laptop saya ini pun saya coba tanggapi dengan mulai memfungsikan dirinya sebagai sarana untuk menuliskan apa yang ada dalam pikiran ini kedalam bentuk tulisan, sehingga gagasan atau ide bahkan sekelumit fantasi yang ada di pikiran ini dapat tersampaikan kepada banyak orang tanpa menghabiskan energi untuk membuka mulut dan terus berbicara tentang isi pikiran kita, karena selain melelahkan juga sebagian dari buah pikiran itu akan terlupakan disebabkan oleh terbatasnya kapasitas Hardisk kita dan konektivitas pemanggilan data di dalam diri kita yang sering tidak tersambung karena kondisi pikiran kita yang tidak selalu 100% dan tidak semudah komputer untuk merecall data yang sudah tersimpan dalam pikiran, karena itulah salah satu sarana untuk mengabadikan buah pikiran kita adalah dengan menuliskannya dalam bentuk lembaran-lembaran kertas atau hasil ketikan yang sudah tentu akan bertahan jauh lebih lama daripada hanya disimpan dalam otak kita, selain itu juga tentunya dengan begitu buah pikiran kita dapat diketahui oleh banyak pihak dengan membaca hasil tulisan kita tadi, bagi sebagian orang yang kini sudah menjadi trend, hal semacam itu (menulis-red) sudah bisa dijadikan tumpuan mata pencaharian yang dapat menopang keidupan mereka sehari-hari bahkan untuk beberapa kasus penulis tertentu, penghidupan dari menulis buku ini menjadikan mereka mempunyai kehidupan yang sangat layak bahkan menaikkan status mereka di dalam status masyarakat. Contoh kasus yang paling jelas kita ketahui adalah J.K. Rowling yang dengan tulisan karyanya yang mendunia dengan tokoh superpopuler Harry Potter dan serangkaian petualangan fantasinya yang menyihir banyak orang di dunia untuk menjadi pembaca setianya, bahkan setelah diangkat ke layar lebar pun masih terus mengalirkan pundi-pundi uang bagi penulisnya, hingga jumlah kekayaan J.K. Rowling ditaksir menyamai Ratu Elizabeth II ratu kerajaan Britania raya, yang adalah ratunya sendiri. Dan untuk lingkup lokal, kita bisa menyaksikan seorang Andrea Hirata yang menulis sebuah karya yang bisa dikatakan sangat fenomenal dengan quadrologi Laskar Pelangi, yang secara monumental mengubah gagasan banyak orang mengenai dunia pendidikan di tanah air, bahkan dijadikan acuan dasar penetapan kebijakan pendidikan di Kemdiknas, semua hal tersebut diatas bagi sebagian orang pasti berpikir bahwa itu disiapkan secara besar dan lama, padahal yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah semua keberhasilan itu dimulai dari penuangan buah pikiran yang paling sederhana kedalam lembaran kertas, bahkan diceritakan bahwa Rowling menulis di lembaran-lembaran kertas tissue yang ada di hadapannya ketika ia mendapatkan ide untuk menulis mengenai Harry Potter.
Memang benar apa yng dikatakan banyak orang bahwa langkah yang besar selalu dimulai dari langkah pertama dan kecil, tidak pernah seseorang dapat melangkah besar dan membuat perubahan besar seketika tanpa mengambil awalan yang kecil, bahkan terkadang awalan itu pahit dan tidak mengenakkan. Begitu pula dengan menulis, tidak bisa kita bermimpi untuk dapat menuliskan karya yang besar tanpa sebelumnya menggoreskan kata demi kata dengan awalan huruf demi huruf di lembaran kertas atau ketikan di layar laptop, dari hal tersebut saya menyimpulkan setidaknya bagi saya sendiri, keberanian untuk memegang pena atau menyentuhkan jari di keyboard dan memulai untuk menulis itulah yang diperlukan untuk menulis karya-karya besar, dengan menceritakan apapun dari mulai hal kecil yang kita temui di keseharian hingga hal besar yang kita alami dalam kehidupan, hal tersebut dapat menjadi inspirasi untuk menulis, memang kemudian banyak halangan dan hambatan yang akan menghadang seolah memisahkan kita dengan impian kita, tapi bukankah itu juga seni dari hidup dan ujian bahwa hanya yang kuat dan bertahanlah yang patut mendapatkan kebesaran dan kemuliaan sebagai hadiah akhir kehidupan. Jadi mulai goreskan tinta pikiran kita kedalam lembaran kehidupan agar gagasan itu dapat abadi dan terus dimanfaatkan oleh banyak khalayak yang menyukai gagasan yang kita sampaikan.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Memulai untuk menulis itu mudah
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The life can never be predicted but we can try to achieve it
This is the phrase that I made up by myself based on the condition that I believe I have and accordance to some sources most people talk about recently, and that source I believe most people had read it..that is “The Secret”
This is the phrase that I made up by myself based on the condition that I believe I have and accordance to some sources most people talk about recently, and that source I believe most people had read it..that is “The Secret” , “Law of Attraction” and for may know the book “Quantum Ikhlas”. So there I was listening this musical instrument taken from the movie “Eiffel I’m in Love” and by watching this fabulous tower of Paris..the Eiffel tower. Indeed I have this dream back then that somehow I’ll come to visit this Legen.....wait for it!! ..dary ..yeah LEGENDARY!! Place that become the most destined place for tourism in the world, every single man that know this place surely want to come and have a walk in the famous boulevard of Champ Elysée and walk to the Louvre museum where is kept the painting of a chubby lady whose smile fascinate the world, she’s called “La Jaconde” or in English we know her as “Monalisa”. I have this longing attraction toward France and the culture that they have...and since then I have always dreaming to go there start when I was in the Academy I eagerly want to take this French course that paid by the Academy (of course!! Who doesn’t want free course) though after I graduate from the academy I couldn’t continue but still believe someday I will step my foot there . So years pass by and I saw this film of Eiffel I’m in love ..well I’m also in love with the city of love...some might say!! And the spirit rise once again...after that I really want to learn the language and in 2006 the chance just come to me without I even notice...I really think that is the way given by the universe a.k.a God for the wish that I said long time ago. And there were this program of the Navy that able the participants to go to France..well that’s it then..It is my aim, so I always have all my effort towards it however hard it might be, I can’t say it was easy!! somehow the universe give us his own exam and series of tests that we must deal and overcome before it can be a reality, after all that I’ve done ..I don’t want to be a loser and after all the long walk I don’t want anything that can get into my way can failed me, so despite of looking and holding the Eiffel keychain given by my French friends and imagine the picture of the tower in my mind like ..all the time!! Yes I have this troubled time when the chance just in the front of your eyes. So let me tell you something that I heard the chance to have the enrollment to the was when I’m in the middle of naval operations in the area of island of Riau, so I’m not even near the base back at that time, but when you have a goal you should fight for it, whatever cost you may take, the worse part it just you failed but you know you’ve tried, and take my words that you have to do it clean..and jerk, because somehow cleanliness is make the count!!trust me!! Be honest and simple. So there I was again having very doubtful moment when someone coming up from nowhere risking my chance to have my dream, well I don’t know exactly what happen and why this person suddenly come up to the surface...but in the end I know that he played harshly and not even near to fact it was a filthy move that he took. But somehow I believe that I’m gonna get it, it was when I have the Friday prayer when I feel very doubtful and confused and all of a sudden there was a very unusual cool wind, somehow it makes me calm and comfort, and after I feel that I will get this chance of mine. And the end ..yes I got it. And here I am floating around in the dream come true of mine, and somehow it just getting better day by day despite of the big waves and strange food that doesn’t feel right in my tongue..ha ha I should laugh about it since my tongue is an Indonesian tongue that accustomed to spices and chilies, but here in France everyone eat everything that tasteless on my tongue opinion of course, and sometimes I found it bizarre, but anyhow here I am again living my chance big and alive!!
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
It's possible but it's difficult.....It's difficult but it's possible
This article is inspired by the writing in this web
A loser will always end their phrase with "It's possible but it's difficult" and a winner will always say the phrase "It's difficult but it's possible"
It's always end with a choice within ourself...what would you like to be??a loser or a winner didn't a wisdom saying tell is a choice....
Description of a loser that they don't believe in what they do, no self esteem, feeling fear all the time, and trusting that everything he does is hopeless and will not get anywhere..but there..that's why a loser always afraid to try new things and they prefer to stay in their comfort zone since they don't want to experience pain in their way to try the new things. on the contrary a winner always see that pain is the way before victory like a butterfly that came from catterpillar always phasing the phase of cocoon, the phase where we have the contemplation and reflection of ourselves, the phase for a winner means a lot of hardworks, prayings, pains, believe in his own streght and then fight because No Pain No Gain..!!The option is in your hands Man....
We all want to be the winner that is one thing for sure, because choosing is not a hard moves...just say of course that I wanna be the winner...everyone does..but in the term of application this one thing remain to be difficult to do. If you see life as a battlefield..indeed it is since the beginning we were delivered to this world in the hands of our mothers to the time you stand right now, we've experienced a bunch of struggling, fighting, and our own indifferences against the worlds.
We're born as a winner but so very unfortunate that we ourselves that make us as a loser, when we are a child all we can do is crying if we need something or refusing things, and you see now that we can walk, eat, run, jump on our own, that is because as a growing human we have this winner setting but when we have the ability to think by our own mind...that's the time when we put the fear, desperate feeling in our systems. because if we're born as a loser there'll be no more human races in this world because we can't do anything to survive
If we were created as a winner, then why we change it into a loser??it's our own choice to make...well you see guys that a loser always trying to find a scapegoat for their failures, a loser that turn around when facing a dead end, and always trying to find a shorcut for their problems because they don't dare to face it in person, and want to gain big without hardworks, and always praying for miracles to happen in their boring life.
To face the obstacles that we are facing right now is just an episode of our entire life, one obstacles after another is a phase as a cocoon in life. And when the problems arise is the time to choose...which side we are destined ourself to be, the winner or the loser. A winner with wholeheartedly knows that result won't come miraculously, but with that came along hardworks, pain, suffering. But that won't stop them just because there's a blockade upfront, he knows that he is in the right path to victory (as a hints some said that the beacons that indicate whether you are in the right way is you gonna face a lot of troubles along the way, and he just continuing to walk down that long winding road because they believe that after difficulties will come their achievement. They won't make a fool out of themselves and certainly not to anyone elses by doing cheting in their attempt to succes.
If we choose to be a winner, there's always the times to prepare all the things we might need in the way, there's plenty of time to armed ourselves with courage, positivity to shield ourselves from the attack we might get in the way..and the most important to set our mindset into the mindset of a winner...the whole thingy is in what way we see ourselves as....a winner or a loser, a winner never stop at a dead end they will make a way out of it..a loser will turn back and return to their comfy couches and never thinking of trying back.The choice is yours to make!!
This is as an affirmation....we are what we want us to be despite of what the rest of the world might think of us, we have to believe that we can overcome anykind of obstacles and problems, as long you believe it...take that first step and trust!!!
Keep on fighting Man!!
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